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Dear fans, have you ever grilled a US Wagyu Entrecote SRF 9+?

Dear fans, have you ever grilled a US Wagyu Entrecote SRF 9+?
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Dear fans, have you ever grilled a US Wagyu Entrecote SRF 9+?

If not, then you must read on! A steak lover's dream, this cut of meat features some of the best marbling you'll ever see.

SRF (Snake River Farms) stands for the highest quality and the number 9+ indicates that the meat is even better than Prime. Raised in Idaho, Wagyu cattle have undergone special feeding and care to produce the perfect beef.

The US Wagyu Entrecote SRF 9+ is buttery soft and literally melts in your mouth. The marbling provides incredible flavor and makes each piece a unique experience.

So if you're looking for the best steak of your life, you should definitely try the US Wagyu Entrecote SRF 9+. Your palate will thank you!


Barbecue tip:

Take the piece out of the fridge 1 hour beforehand. Pat dry with paper. Heat your grill to 250 degrees and give the piece a nice grill pattern without seasoning.


Let each side rest for 2-3 minutes and then 3 minutes. Finally, a coarse sea salt for the additional crunch does not drown out the ingenious taste, but rather underlines it. Therewith

the unmistakable character of the Wagyu beef remains.


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